George Steinbrenner was know for many things, and many quotes. His most famous may be,

“Winning is the most important thing in my life. After breathing, breathing first, winning next.”

As a lifelong Yankee fan I have heard many people talk about Mr. Steinbrenner and his many quotes about baseball and life. My favorite quote is one that most people don’t equate with him.

“If you do something good for some other person and more than two people know about it, then you didn’t do it for the right reason.” Here at CBPA we try to champion these sentiments within our teams, coaches, families and communities. In this spirit we invite you to join us this week and make the world 1% better by doing a good for someone without asking what’s in it for me. We draw inspiration from Tyler Morrison, a son, a player and fighter. Tyler was passionate about paying it forward and giving to those in need. It is amazing how far a small act of kindness can go in the world. Some ideas are volunteer at an animal shelter or donate a toy or food, pay for the person behind you in line at the drive thru or restaurant. Help a neighbor mow their lawn, hold a door for someone, smile at a person having a bad day. Visit a nursing home, or children’s hospital… the list goes on.

In a world of doubt, darkness, and tension, be a light for us to follow. Please don’t post about it, just know that you made a real difference.



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